October 27, 2013

Fresh Mango Salsa

Salsa is a food with a ton of secret advantages. It tastes indulgent when it's actually low fat, low calorie, and high in fiber and other nutrients. It's cheap, especially when you take advantage of seasonal ingredients. It's surprisingly versatile - you can use any combination of vegetables, fruits, and spices you like to create the perfect blend of freshness, acidity, salt and spice. And even though it is shockingly easy to make, it never fails to impress families and guests. One of the most impressive and simple salsas that every home cook should have in their repertoire is fresh mango salsa.

Mangoes are a rich source of vitamins A and C and they're loaded with fiber in addition to being absolutely delicious. But for novice cooks and experienced home cooks alike, cooking with mangoes can be intimidating. Thankfully dicing mangoes is actually a cinch. Mangoes have a large pit, and to chop or dice the fruit, start by slicing the fruit roughly in half, following the pit. Repeat on the other side so you have two halves of fruit. Next, score the flesh of the mango into whatever size dice you prefer, taking care not to cut through the peel. Then, invert the skin so the diced flesh pops open like a porcupine. Now carefully slice the fruit away from the peel and you're done. Don't waste the extra ring of fruit left around the pit! I like to cut that away from the pit, slice off the peel, and enjoy a few slices of fruit while I'm cooking. If you are more of a visual person, here's a helpful video that explains how to do this step-by-step:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvLdPjpELyU.

Mango salsa has a wide variety of uses. I like it on it's own with tortilla chips, but it makes homemade tacos extra delicious and kid-approved. Mango salsa is also a delicious topping for grilled salmon, chicken breasts, or even pork chops if you are so carniverously inclined.  I also enjoy fresh salsa on homeade black bean burgers. The possibilities are endless. As one of my favorite patients from my pediatric rotation would say, it's "easy peasy lemon squeezy." Enjoy!

Mango Salsa, Serves 8
2 mangoes, finely diced
¼ red onion, minced
½ red bell pepper, finely chopped
1 jalapeno, finely diced
1 handful cilantro, roughly chopped
Juice from one lime
Pinch of salt

Mix all ingredients together and serve immediately. Store in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 48 hours.

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